1050- Annual District Election and Budget Vote and Public Hearing on the Budget

The date for the annual district election and budget vote shall be the third Tuesday in May, unless this date conflicts with religious observances on that day, in which case the annual meeting and election will be held on the second Tuesday in May.

Public Hearing on the Budget

The District Clerk shall publish a notice of the time and place of the public hearing on the budget four times during the seven weeks prior to the hearing. The first publication of the notice shall be at least 45 days prior to the meeting in two newspapers having general circulation within the district in accordance with section 2004 of the Education Law.

At the public hearing on the budget, the Board must present a detailed statement of the sums necessary for the various expenditures of the district for the coming year. The public hearing on the budget must be held in accordance with section 1716 of the Education Law no more than fourteen (14) days nor less than seven (7) days prior to the annual election and budget vote.

Copies of the budget and copies of any proposition to be presented to the voters will be available at the public hearing on the budget. Additionally, the announcement and introduction of candidates for the Board will be made as well as the presentation and explanation of any propositions sponsored by the Board.

Election and Budget Vote

The District Clerk shall publish a notice of the time and place of the annual district election and budget vote meeting four times during the seven weeks prior to the meeting. The first publication of the notice shall be at least 45 days prior to the meeting in two newspapers having general circulation within the district in accordance with section 2004 of the Education Law. The notice shall also contain notice of any other matter required by law.

Copies of the budget and copies of any proposition to be presented to the voters must be available in each district school building for district residents upon request at the time of the annual election and budget vote and 14 days (other than Saturday, Sunday and holidays) prior to the annual election and budget vote. Copies of the budget shall also be made available at the District Offices, on the District’s website, and at any public library or free association library within the District. Notice of the availability of copies of the budget must be included in the notice of the annual election and budget vote.

At a Board meeting held before the annual election and budget vote, the Board shall appoint assistant clerks and election inspectors necessary for the annual meeting and election.


The Education Law contains provisions relating to submission of petitions to the Board to place propositions on the ballot with the proposition for the annual budget. Pursuant to those provisions, the Board establishes the following guidelines:

  1. Unless otherwise provided by the Education Law, petitions for the submission of a proposition must contain a minimum of 5 percent of those voting in the last annual election.
  2. Petitions for propositions which do not have to be included in the notice of the annual election and budget vote must be presented to the District Clerk at least 30 days prior to the date of the vote to facilitate the preparation and printing of the ballots. Petitions for propositions which must be included in the notice of the annual election and budget vote must be filed with the District Clerk 60 days before the vote.
    3. Wording of a petition must comply with legal requirements. If not, it may be changed or altered by the Board, or the Board may reject a petition for failure to comply.

    Propositions received in accordance with these specifications will be placed on the ballot and will be voted upon by the voters in the same manner as the proposed budget, except that the Board shall not be required to place any proposition on the ballot which is within the exclusive province of the Board, or otherwise forbidden by law, or which does not comply with legal requirements.


  • 2120, School Board Elections
  • 6100, Annual Budget
  • 6120, Budget Hearing


  • Education Law §§416(3); 1608; 1716; 1804(4); 1906(1); 2002(1); 2003(1),(2); 2004(1)-(7); 2009; 2013; 2017(5),(6); 2021; 2022(1),(4)-(5); 2035(2)
  • General Construction Law §60
  • Matter of Hebel, 34 EDR 319 (1994)
  • Matter of Martin, 32 EDR 567 (1993)
  • Matter of Como, 30 EDR 214 (1990)

Adoption date: May 27, 1997
Revised: April 27, 1998
Revised: December 14, 2009
Reviewed: February 27, 2017