4321.11- Public Report on Revisions to District Policies, Practices and Procedures upon a Finding of Significant Disproportionality

The Board of Education recognizes that, despite the district’s best efforts, there may be times when there might be a disproportionate representation of racial and ethnic groups in its special education programs and services, and/or with respect to the suspension of students with disabilities. To minimize the risk of such an occurrence, the Board has endeavored to adopt policies, practices and procedures for the district that are consistent with the IDEA and Article 89 of New York’s Education Law, and their implementing regulations.

Nonetheless, upon learning of a significant disproportionality either in the suspension, identification, classification and/or placement of the district’s students with disabilities, the Board will immediately review the district’s policies, practices and procedures to determine whether they are fully compliant with the requirements of the IDEA and Article 89, or require revisions. If changes are needed, the Board will take immediate steps to adopt and implement any and all necessary revisions.

The Board will inform the public of any revisions to the district’s policies, practices and procedures undertaken as a result of a finding of significant disproportionality. The Superintendent will notify school personnel responsible for implementing the revisions.


  • 4321 et seq. as appropriate.


  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, §§ 1412(a)(24); 1418(d);
  • 34 CFR §§ 300.173; 300.646
  • 8 NYCRR §§ 200.2(b)(15).

Adoption date: August 18, 2008
Reviewed: May 22, 2017