4531-R- Field Trips and Excursions Regulation


Field Trips K-12

Students are expected to ride to and return from field trips on transportation provided by the District. In rare cases, exceptions may be granted by the principal if a request is made in writing in advance.

Overnight Trips

Members of clubs, organizations, or classes attending overnight trips are expected to ride to and return from events on school-provided transportation. Occasionally, conflicts and other commitments may make it necessary for students to leave events with parents or guardians. In such cases, a written request must be presented in advance to the trip sponsor. Again, students may only be released to their own parent/legal guardian. Written requests are to be filed with the Principal.

In no case will the District grant permission for a student to ride to or from an overnight trip with anyone other than the student’s parent or legal guardian. Any variation from this practice must quality as an emergency and must have approval from the Superintendent or designee.

Athletic Contests

Prior to the first athletic contest, parents of athletes will designate parents/guardians that are authorized to transport their child home from an athletic contest. An athlete may travel home from the contest with a parent, guardian or another adult provided the following.

  1. The parent or designated parent/guardian makes personal contact with the coach and signs a team roster stating that they are transporting their child home.
  2. The parent writes, dates and signs a note in advance of the contest stating that their child may be transported home by an adult other than the student’s parent or guardian. The note must be handed in ahead of time and approved by the athletic director and the adult transporting the child must make personal contact with the coach to sign the team roster.

Absent compliance with the above requirements, athletes will be provided transportation by the District in accordance with this policy and regulation.

Student Injury

Please be sure you have the school telephone numbers before you leave the building. In the event of an emergency while away from school, please follow these procedures:

  1. The teacher or other designated individual (depending on who is available to supervise the remaining students) of the injured child will go with that child to the Emergency Room or Health Facility.
  2. Call school as soon as some information about the child’s condition is available. Insist that the child be seen immediately because of waiting bus, out of town child, etc. The school will need to know the nature of injury, address and telephone number of the hospital and any other pertinent data.
  3. The school will notify the parents.
  4. Once the nature of the injury has been determined, the teacher will also contact the group informing them if they will be rejoining the group.
  5. If the bus returns without the child, the teacher will remain at the hospital until the child is permitted to leave and will then escort the child back to the district or until parent and/or other school personnel arrive.

Adoption date: May 27, 1997
Revised: October 13, 2009
Revised: October 10, 2017