6110-R- Budget Planning Regulation

The budget calendar prepared by the Superintendent of Schools shall include:

  • a schedule which sets forth all important meetings and dates, including deadlines for budget proposals from within the district;
  • commencement dates and deadlines for certain budgetary tasks such as the estimation of all revenues and income expected to be received by the district;
  • events such as the preliminary dates for the Board of Education’s consideration of the tentative budget.

The budget calendar will also set forth the name of every individual (or their title) who is assigned to perform a particular task with regard to the development of the budget.

As part of the budget planning process, the Superintendent and his/her Assistants will evaluate:

  • the educational philosophy, goals and objectives of the district and their modification where required;
  • the district education program and support systems such as transportation and business affairs;
  • census and enrollment projections;
  • the condition of the physical plant for operation and maintenance needs and new construction;
  • debt service schedules;
  • estimated revenue from sources other than the property tax, such as state and federal aid;
  • the tax levy limit for the upcoming year and the possibility of voters overriding the limit if necessary.

Adoption date: April 27, 1998
Revised: December 12, 2011
Reviewed: August 28, 2017