7100- Facilities Planning

The Board of Education is ultimately responsible for the regular operation and orderly development of the school district’s physical plant. In carrying out this responsibility, the Board is concerned with both short-term and long-range planning.

The Board delegates to the Superintendent of Schools the responsibility for formulating and implementing, subject to approval by the Board, the following plans for school building facilities:

  1. Comprehensive long-range facilities development plan. This plan shall be kept current and re-evaluated at least annually. It will include an appraisal of the following:
    1. educational philosophy of the district, with resulting administrative organization and program requirements;
    2. present and projected pupil enrollments;
    3. space use and state rated pupil capacity of existing facilities;
    4. priority of need of maintenance, repair or modernization of existing facilities, including consideration of the obsolescence and retirement of certain facilities; and
    5. the provision of additional facilities.
  2. Five year capital facilities plan. This plan will be updated annually and will include the following:
    1. a yearly breakdown of the estimated expenses for construction, additions, alterations, major repairs, system replacement and repairs and maintenance and energy consumption; and
    2. a districtwide building inventory including the number and type of facilities; the age, capacity, use and size of each building; and each building’s safety ratings, energy sources, probable useful life, major system repairs needed and asbestos reports.


  • 7000, Facilities Development Goals


  • 8 NYCRR Part 155 (Educational Facilities)

Adoption date: May 27, 1997
Revised: March 26, 2001
Reviewed: August 28, 2017