8240- Traffic and Parking on School Property

The need to ensure the safety of all students, school personnel and anyone else on school property or on roads, driveways and parking areas on District property is of the utmost importance to the District. The Board of Education therefore, authorizes the enforcement of traffic and parking on District property in accordance with applicable local and/or State law. The Superintendent of Schools is instructed to develop regulations concerning traffic and parking controls on areas including, but not limited to, roads, driveways, fire lanes and parking areas accessory to District property. Further, the Superintendent has instructed that all curbs, roadways, and parking areas shall be appropriately marked and traffic signs shall be posted to aid in implementing this policy and corresponding regulation.


  • Vehicle and Traffic Law §§1670; 1800
  • Opinion of the State Comptroller, 79-26 (1979)
  • Opinion of the Attorney General, 85-63 (1985)
  • Matter of Brady, 10 EDR 206 (1971)

Adoption date: July 12, 2010
Reviewed: August 28, 2017