Message to Parents/Guardians from Dr. Burns

I would like to thank the community for their support and encouragement during this difficult time. I am so proud of the students, the faculty, the staff, and the community for being there for each other. I would like to offer some resources as we support our children and each other. You will find these resources in this email and on our website. The school will have counselors available throughout the week in the library and the guidance office. Please do not hesitate to reach out for support. Please keep all those affected in your thoughts and prayers and take care of yourself and others around you. Thank you for the support and love you have shown. 

A link for parents to support their teens as they move through their feelings: The National Child Traumatic Stress Network

At Dougy Center, you will find support, resources, and connection before and after a death.  Resources for Parents and Caregivers