9th Grade: Freshman Year
Students should become involved in classes, sports and clubs. They should complete an interest survey in Naviance and the Career Plan Survey through google classroom.
10th Grade: Sophomore Year
Students should start building their resumes in Naviance, including volunteer hours in the community and involvement in clubs and sports. They should set up a personal email to use for college communications and the should fill out working papers so that they can get a job. They should speak with their guidance counselor about CTEC offerings and schedule a visit.
11th Grade: Junior Year
Students should take the PSAT in the fall. In the fall, they should start a college search in Naviance. They should also start to request letters of recommendation from their teachers. They should continue to build their resume. They should take their time checking out the annual college fair and career fair. In the spring, they should take the SAT/ ACT and schedule college visits in the spring and summer. If they are an athlete who would like to continue to play during college and perhaps get a scholarship to play, the student should check out the NCAA Clearinghouse website. If the student does not wish to go to college, they should build their resume for job acquisition and/or schedule visits to trade schools. If the student wishes to pursue a military career, they should contact a recruiter of the branch they are interested in.
12th Grade: Senior Year
College- bound students should wrap up college visits in the summer and fall. Students may wish to retake the SAT/ACT/SAT II. If they have not taken the test in their Junior year, they should definitely take the test in the fall. They should start filling out their college application ( using the Common App, SUNY App or their individual college app) and seek assistance from their guidance counselor for their college essay. Students will need to seek their high school transcript, keep their Naviance account and resume current, and seek letters of recommendation. Students are advised to keep a folder of college information including username/passwords they use in the application process. Students should seek out scholarship opportunities from the college they are planning to attend and should plan to fill out the FAFSA as soon as possible after family tax documents are filed. When making the decision of which college to attend, students should carefully consider the financial burden they will be undertaking.
Students who are pursuing a trade education should seek help from their guidance counselor to secure their place in a program. Likewise, they should seek assistance from the guidance department through that process.
Students who are pursuing a military pathway after high school should make final commitments during their senior year and should contact the guidance office for any help that they need with that process.
Students who are planning to start working after high school should be sure to build their resume and request letters of recommendation.
Students should inform their guidance counselor as to their plans post-graduation so their accomplishments and future plans can be celebrated.