What is ClassLink?

Upon logging into your student assigned Chromebook, you may have noticed a login page for “ClassLink”. ClassLink provides “OneClick”, which enables single sign-on (SSO) access to web and Windows applications that the district has signed up for staff and students to use. ClassLink is ideal for 1:1 initiatives, which Valley Central School District currently offering. ClassLink connects many district software and cloud accounts to one interface, which also stores usernames and passwords. This means no more needing to remember them, write them down, or access multiple lists around the buildings.


ClassLink uses your network credentials (Active Directory), which is the same login information you use on District computers. During the first time users will log in using the Active Directory credentials to get into ClassLink, but once in, they can configure ClassLink to “remember” their accounts for future logins. When a Chromebook first boots up students log into it using their Gmail User ID and password. Once they have logged in to the Chromebook they will see the Classlink login page. At this point they need to log in to Classlink. The following steps are only done once:

Enter your User name and Password into Classlink, this name and password is the same as the one you use to log into a District computer.  If you need help remembering your log in please go to:  VC Parent Digital Resources  Website.  

After students are logged in, they MUST do the following steps (ONE TIME!) so that Google can sync with their Gmail
#1 – Once logged in to Classlink, go to the top right corner and click your user profile.
#2 – Click “Settings”.
#3 – Click “Sign In”
#4 – Under the “Google account” click the BLUE CHAIN under the word “Disconnected”.

The chain should turn red and you should see your Gmail account appear over it. NOTE: You MAY be prompted to log into your VCSD Gmail account. If that is the case log into your Gmail at this time). Once this is complete you have now synchronized all of your accounts.
You will not have to do these steps again.From this point on, applications will be made available through Classlink and many of them will log you in automatically without the need to remember multiple passwords.