Valley Central 2022-2025 Technology Plan

Approved Technology Plan

The information in this document serves as a summary of the Valley Central School District Technology Plan for 2022-2025. It includes references to the vision statement that guides instructional technology use in the district and the goals associated with our vision.  

The mission of the Valley Central School community is to develop responsible and productive members of society in a safe and innovative environment, where students are motivated to think critically, communicate effectively, and achieve excellence in active partnership with the community and knowledgeable and dedicated staff.

The VC Technology Plan supports this mission of the school district by incorporating the use of technology to improve and enhance instruction, learning, management, communication, and administrative functions in order to continually improve student achievement. 

Approved 2022-2025 Technology Plan in downloadable format

If you are unable to access the downloadable version of the plan, please email Christopher Mohr for assistance.

Below is the 2022-2025 Technology Plan in plain text format. Asterisks (*) mark areas that have been adjusted for formatting.

Valley CSD (Montgomery) 2022-2025 Technology Plan

District LEA Information | Strategic Technology Planning | Goal Attainment | Goal 1 | Goal 2 | Goal 3 | NYSED Initiatives Alignment | Administrative Management Plan | Sharing Innovative Educational Technology Programs 

I. District LEA Information

Page last modified: 10/07/2021

  1. What is the name of the district administrator responsible for entering the Instructional Technology Plan data? Christopher Mohr
  2. What is the title of the district administrator responsible for entering the Instructional Technology Plan data? Director of Technology

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II. Strategic Technology Planning

Page last modified: 5/20/2022

  1. What is the overall district mission? 
    • The mission of the Valley Central School community is to develop responsible and productive members of society in a safe and innovative environment, where students are motivated to think critically, communicate effectively, and achieve excellence in active partnership with the community and knowledgeable and dedicated staff. 
  2. What is the vision statement that guides instructional technology use in the district? 
    • The mission of the Valley Central School community is to develop responsible and productive members of society in a safe and innovative environment, where students are motivated to think critically, communicate effectively, and achieve excellence in active partnership with the community and knowledgeable and dedicated staff.
    • The VC technology plan supports this mission of the school district by incorporating the use of technology to improve and enhance instruction, learning, management, communication and administrative functions in order to continually improve student achievement. 
  3. Summarize the planning process used to develop answers to the Instructional Technology Plan questions and/or your district comprehensive Instructional Technology Plan. Please include the stakeholder groups participating in the outcomes of the instructional technology plan development meetings.  
    • In order to create this plan, the Instructional Technology Committee made up of administrators, teachers, students, and community members met four times to discuss the questions and draft a reply.
    • The committee was then provided with a final draft of the answers and asked to provide feedback which was incorporated into the plan. The plan will be shared with the Board of Education and feedback will be encouraged. 
  4. How does the district’s Instructional Technology Plan build upon, continue the work of, and improve upon the previous three-year plan?
    • Valley Central believes that technology’s purpose is to deepen the students’ understanding of the educational material and to actively engage students in their learning. our current plan builds upon our previous plan in many ways. The process this year is different due  to all we have doe and learned due to COVID 19. One of the positive results from COVID 19 is that we have acquired more devices and our teachers are more proficient in instructional technology. Valley Central currently has a more robust inventory of devices and we implemented a vetting process for new instructional software. We were recently able to purchase Promethean boards for all teachers and administrators, which has significantly improved the delivery of instruction. Valley Central has outperformed the goals from our previous plan. One example of this is that we have increased our hardware inventory substantially and we have met and exceeded our goals. 
    • Our K-5 STEM labs currently incorporate coding, robotics, engineering and keyboarding. COVID 19 did not slow down out enhancements in this area. We added computer-aided design this year at the HS and the High School now has a full-time technology teacher for the first time in over two decades. We are adding computer science courses at the High School and we are also adding carpentry and aviation courses. We are looking to buy and install a greenhouse at the High School. We are currently in the process of hiring another technology education teacher in order to build our program. 
    • In order to identify the strengths and weaknesses of our plan, a discussion took place at Technology meetings, District Cabinet meetings, and with the District STEAM committee. All of this feedback is vital to the improvement of our delivery of instructional technology as well as our technical infrastructure. This plan intends to address and build upon our previous plan by developing a replacement schedule for all devices to ensure our students and teachers are equipped with the devices they need to be successful. We will build upon our professional development goal by participating in digital fluency and computer science standards training, Model Schools training, and also by encouraging teachers to provide in-service training on an instructional technology topic they are proficient at. In addition, the District is partnering with OUBOCES to ensure our data is protected and our network is secure. 
    • This year we made a decision to hire a technology consultant who is coming to review all of our STEM curriculum K-12. She will be meeting with the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction and members of the STEM committee. The goal of this endeavor is to ensure our STEM curriculum is vertically aligned and to determine if there are any gaps to fill, such as new programs, software, or hardware.
  5. How does the district Instructional Technology Plan reflect experiences during the COVID pandemic?
    • The COVID 19 pandemic drastically changed the way our district delivered instruction in 2020 when we delivered a hybrid approach to instruction. During the 21-22 school year we have returned to 100% in person with a combination of asynchronous and synchronous instruction for quarantined students. Our district has found that concurrent teaching does not work and that only a small percentage of students do very well with online instruction.  We are encouraging teachers to find a balance between the use of screens and other types of inquiry-based, collaborative, and hands-on instruction.
    • Our plan also calls for a continuation of change in the elementary STEAM Labs and an increase in the number of Technology Education and Computer Science classes that we offer. These courses are being designed to engage students in the area of technology. Our K-5 STEM curriculum is hands-on and incorporates coding, robotics, virtual reality, engineering, and keyboarding. Our K-5 Science program (Science 21) is based on Next Generation Science Learning Standards and is inquiry-based and hands-on. Our Middle School Science Curriculum was also written based on NGLS and incorporated simulated labs using Gizmo. Our tech program at the Middle School is a combination of hands-on and module-based learning. As stated we are adding technology courses at the HS. Our HS program is a combination of traditional and hands-on courses. 
    • We have moved away from SMART Boards to Promethean Boards. This change has led to improvements in instruction. Our plan includes additional training on this device. A representative from Promethean has provided two professional development sessions for teachers. In addition, all teachers have been provided with information on the Promethean site which will allow them to become certified Promethean Board users. The District is providing CTLE or in-service credits for these courses. 
    • Our instructional technology coach worked with all buildings and did many wonderful things with teachers however, this model did not reach as many teachers as we had hoped. Therefore, we are planning to utilize OUBOCES beginning 2022-2023 to provide additional instructional technology support to our teachers. Our teachers have taken a myriad of professional development courses centered around technology. We sent teachers tot he NYSCATE conference and we utilize all of our Model Schools Days base don the needs of teachers. Twenty-five of our teachers are enrolled to become Google Certified. We have joined with BOCES to train teacher representatives from each building in the new Computer Science and Digital Fluency Standards. 
    • The district provides information regarding Technology at BOE meetings. We share information and gather feedback from all stakeholders at our quarterly Curriculum Council meetings as well as at our District STEAM meetings. This feedback is considered when creating our plan. 
  6. Is your district currently fully 1:1? 
    • Yes
  7. Please describe the professional development plan for building the capacity of educators and administrators in the attainment of the instructional technology vision as stated in response to question 2.
    • Our professional development plan for building the capacity of educators and administrators in the attainment of our technology vision is multifaceted:
      • As stated above, we will have a multi-step plan in place to ensure teachers are proficient in the use of the Promethean Boards. Promethean conducted two professional development sessions for all teachers. We are providing in-service or CTLE hours for teachers to become Promethean Board certified. This training is also provided by the company. Their website also provides a wealth of PD resources and teachers are encouraged to attend.
      • Teachers share specific technology-related skills at monthly faculty meetings. 
      • Google Classrooms are set up where teachers can share resources. 
      • We send teachers to technology-based conferences based on the subjects they teach. These conferences are offered by a variety of vendors.
      • We will be contracted with BOCES for the 22-23 school year for a part-time instructional technology coach.
      • We have sent a team to work with OUBOCES on implementing Computer Science and Digital Literacy Standards.
      • We sent a team to NYSCATE annually. 
      • We had Paul Anderson here in 21-22 to speak about the Next Generation Learning Standards and the need for inquiry-based learning. He will be coming again. 
      • We are training 25 teachers to become Google Certified. 
      • Secretaries and clerical workers are offered Google classes on a monthly basis. 
    • Our plan aligns with our current professional development plan which states that professional development is to be needs-based and individualized. We have made a decision to pay teachers above the 60 credits if the courses are technology-related and align with our goals. 
    • Over the past two years, we have provided numerous surveys to the staff to determine their level of expertise in the area of technology and to determine their needs, and to determine the current capacity of educators. 
    • Principals will be observing lessons with a focus on implementation of technology in order to determine the current capacity of educators. 
    • We provided professional development before and after school as a well as during the summer to meet their needs. We will continue to survey teachers and administrators to determine where we need to see growth.
    • We have also surveyed our students to determine the effectiveness of our teaching strategies and will be doing so again in the spring.
    • The effectiveness of the professional development will be measured through teacher surveys as well as by measuring the academic achievement of students. 

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III. Goal Attainment

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Overview: In this new section, the District is asked to outline the extent to which they have achieved, at the local level, goals put forth in the 2010 Statewide Learning Technology Plan. 

  1. Digital Content – The District uses standards-based, accessible digital content that supports all curricula for all learners. The district has met this goal: Moderately
  2. Digital Use – The District’s learners, teachers, and administrators are proficient in the use of technology for learning. The district has met this goal: Moderately
  3. Digital Capacity and Access – The District’s technology infrastructure supports learning and teaching in all of the District’s environments. The district has met this goal: Significantly
  4. Leadership – The District Instructional Technology Plan is in alignment with the Statewide Learning Technology Plan vision. The district has met this goal: Significantly
  5. Accountability – District-level information is posted on the District website, is easy to access, and is easily understood. Information provided included the results achieved by the District in their efforts to enable students to build knowledge, master skills, and grasp opportunities for a better life. The district has met this goal: Significantly

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IV. Action Plan – Goal 1

Page last modified: 05/24/2022

  1. Enter Goal 1 below:
    • Establish financial support for our Chromebook 1:1 initiative and develop a cyclical replacement plan for outdated and broken Chromebooks.
  2. Select the NYSED goal that best aligns with this district goal.
    • Increase equitable access to high-quality digital resources and standards-based, technology-rich learning experiences.
  3. Target Student Populations(s)*
    • All students
  4. Additional Target Population(s)*
    • Teachers/Teacher Aides
    • Administrators
    • Technology Integration Specialists
  5. How will this instructional technology goal be measured and evaluated during and after implementation? Be sure to include any tools and/or metrics that are part of this evaluation process. Examples might be formative data, local, state, and/or national LEA benchmarks, metrics from instructional software, and other technology evaluation programs, etc. 
    • An inventory of devices will be completed on an annual basis.
    • Determine the failure rates of previous purchases in order to develop future purchasing plans. Information will be gathered to determine future replacement and purchasing needs. 
    • We will develop an inventory of broken devices and establish procedures to maintain and repair them. 
    • The evidence and data will be collected using our ML Library work order system.
    • The addition of 1 technician in the technology department to focus on repairs and maintenance only. 
    • We will know that our goal has been accomplished if we are able to provide each student with a new device every four years.
    • Through the analysis of work orders and failure rates, the district can consider expanding to a five-year replacement plan with the long-term goal of a six-year plan, which would free up funding for additional hardware.
  6. List the action steps that correspond to Goal #1 from your answer to Question 1, above.*
    • Action Step 1: Budgeting – Continue to build money into the district’s budget for 1:1 devices and/or research grants to supplement funding to include support and technology repair staff.
      • Responsible stakeholders: Business Official, Assistant Superintendent
      • Anticipated date of completion: 6/27/2025
      • Anticipated cost: $1,050,000
    • Action Step 2: Communications – Establish ongoing communication with local districts to determine their failure rates and successes with devices.
      • Responsible stakeholders: Director of Technology, Assistant Superintendent
      • Anticipated date of completion: 6/27/2025
      • Anticipated cost: $0
    • Action Step 3: Infrastructure – Taking advantage of funding opportunities as they present themselves, we will focus a portion of said funding on ensuring that infrastructure is regularly upgraded and bandwidth is maintained at a level capable of handling all devices within the district sufficiently.
      • Responsible stakeholders: Director of Technology, Business Official
      • Anticipated date of completion: 6/27/2025
      • Anticipated cost: $0
    • Action Step 4: Implementation – Pursue and develop procedures for parent payment for broken devices.
      • Responsible stakeholders: Director of Technology, Business Official
      • Anticipated date of completion: 6/27/2025
      • Anticipated cost: $0
  7.  This question is optional. If more action steps are needed, continue to list the action steps that correspond to Goal #1 from your answer to Question 1, above. 
    • Action Step 5: Staffing – Hire an additional technician to support increased Chromebook inventory.
      • Responsible stakeholders: Business Official, Director of Technology
      • Anticipated completion date: 1/11/2023
      • Anticipated cost: $120,000

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IV. Action Plan – Goal 2

Page last modified: 5/20/2022

  1. Enter Goal 2 below:
    • In order to improve upon the integration of technology in the classroom, VCSD will provide an increased number of relevant and rigorous professional development workshops to teachers and administrators. 
  2. Select the NYSED goal that best aligns with this district goal. 
    • Provides access to relevant and rigorous professional development to ensure educators and leaders are proficient in the integration of learning technologies. 
  3. Target Student Population(s)*
    • All students
  4. Additional Target Population(s)*
    • Teachers/Teacher Aides
    • Administrators
    • Technology Integration Specialists
  5. How will this instructional technology goal be measured and evaluated during and after implementation? Be sure to include any tools and/or metrics that are part of this evaluation process. Examples might be formative data, local, state, and/or national LEA benchmarks, metrics from instructional software, other technology evaluation programs, etc. 
    • The Valley Central School District will measure this goal in the following way:
      • MLP will be used to determine the number of professional development sessions focused on technology that each teacher/administrator attends.
      • Classlink will provide usage data for instructional software.
      • Teacher Observations – to be conducted by administrators with a focus on the effective use of technology.
    • This data will be analyzed by the District Cabinet as well as the District STEAM committee. We would liek to see all teachers participate in a minimum of three technology-related professional development workshops per year.
    • Please see Section 7 which identifies relevance and rigor.
  6. List the action steps that correspond to Goal #2 from your answer to Question 1, above.*
    • Action Step 1: Professional Development – Provide numerous opportunities for technology-related professional development.
      • Responsible stakeholders: Curriculum and Instruction Leader, Principals
      • Anticipated completion date: 6/27/2025
      • Anticipated cost: $120,000
    • Action Step 2: Collaboration – Meet regularly with teacher leadership teams to determine needs
      • Responsible stakeholders: Curriculum and Instruction Leader, Principals
      • Anticipated completion date: 6/27/2025
      • Anticipated cost: $0
    • Action Step 3: Planning – Plan an instruction technology piece for all superintendent conference days and half day professional development days
      • Responsible stakeholders: Building Principal, Assistant Superintendent
      • Anticipated completion date: 6/27/2025
      • Anticipated cost: $0
    • Action Step 4: Research – Work with local districts to determine the most effective research-based strategies for technology integration
      • Responsible stakeholders: Curriculum and Instruction Leader, Principals
      • Anticipated completion date: 6/27/2025
      • Anticipated cost: $0
  7.  This question is optional. If more action steps are needed, continue to list the action steps that correspond to Goal #1 from your answer to Question 1, above.
    • N/A

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IV. Action Plan – Goal 3

Page last modified: 5/24/2022

  1. Enter Goal 3 below:
    • The VCSD will implement effective cybersecurity measures in order to secure and protect our instructional environment. 
  2. Select the NYSED goal that best aligns with this district goal.
    • Design, implement, and sustain a robust, secure network to ensure sufficient, reliable high-speed connectivity for learners, educators, and leaders. 
  3. Target Student Population(s)*
    • All students
  4. Additional Target Population(s)*
    • Teachers/Teacher Aides
    • Administrators
    • Technology Integration Specialists
  5. How will this instructional technology goal be measured and evaluated during and after implementation? Be sure to include any tools and/or metrics that are part of this evaluation process. Examples might be formative data, local, state, and/or national LEA benchmarks, metrics from instructional software, other technology evaluation programs, etc.
    • This goal will be measured by analyzing the number and frequency of staff trained on Phishing techniques and avoidance.
    • This data will be collected using the Knowbe4 system to track the number of users who consistently fall victim to false Phishing attempts.
    • The evidence will be tracked and analyzed within Knowbe4.
    • The goal will be accomplished when the number of people falling victim to Phishing attempts falls below 5%.
  6. List the action steps that correspond to Goal #3 from your answer to Question 1, above.*
    • Action Step 1: Cybersecurity – Mitigate cyberattacks resulting from phishing attempts by training staff and students on how to avoid phishing scams.
      • Responsible stakeholders: Director of Technology, Technical Staff
      • Anticipated completion date: 6/27/2025
      • Anticipated cost: $360,000
    • Action Step 2: Data Privacy – Implement the Knowbe4 system to deliver monthly phishing attempts and appropriate follow up instruction to staff members.
      • Responsible stakeholders: Director of Technology, Technical Staff
      • Anticipated completion date: 6/27/2025
      • Anticipated cost: $75,000
    • Action Step 3: Infrastructure – Maintain settings of current hardware, software, and equipment for network security (switches, servers, wifi, cameras)
      • Responsible stakeholders: Director of Technology, Technical Staff 
      • Anticipated completion date: 6/27/2025
      • Anticipated cost: $0
    • Action Step 4: Infrastructure – Ensure technology needs are met for the computer-based state testing requirements.
      • Responsible stakeholders: Director of Technology, Technical Staff
      • Anticipated completion date: 6/27/2025
      • Anticipated cost: $0
  7.  This question is optional. If more action steps are needed, continue to list the action steps that correspond to Goal #1 from your answer to Question 1, above.
    • Action Plan 5: High Tech Security 
      • Responsible stakeholders: Business Official, Director of Technology
      • Anticipated completion date: 9/01/2023
      • Anticipated cost: $1,547,272
  8. Would you like to list a fourth goal?
    • No

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V. NYSED Initiatives Alignment

Page last modified: 05/20/2022

  1. Explain how the district use of instructional technology will serve as part of a comprehensive and sustained effort to support rigorous academic standards attainment and performance improvement for students. 
    • Technology enables our district to communicate, learn, work, and relate to each other and our community, and VCSD will continue to strive for equitable access to all students in these areas. With our instructional courseware, digital content, and other digital learning resources being well implemented, we will meet our goals, thus leading to improved student achievement and digital literacy. Planned and intensive professional development will take place as we continue to recognize that effective implementation of technology will promote real change and lasting results in our students. We also recognize that follow-up assistance for teachers is essential, and can be promoted through their work with the VCSD technology integration specialist. We believe that the technology we deploy in our district can both engage and motivate our students. Also, various instructional tools that we’ve made available allow teachers to more efficiently identify student strengths and weaknesses to target their instruction. The digital access we provide has, and will continue to help communicate with parents, administrators, and colleagues so that our teachers can spend more time on the quality of their teaching. In addition, students are extending their learning while digitally connecting from home to their courses and the many other resources that are digitally available. 
  2. Explain the strategies the district plans to implement to address the need to provide equitable learning “everywhere, all the time” (National Technology Plan). Include both short and long-term solutions, such as device access, internet access, human capacity, infrastructure, partnerships, etc. 
    • The Valley Central School District plans to address the need to provide equitable learning everywhere in the following ways: 
      • 1:1 Chromebooks for all students
      • VC provides hot spots for students that need them
      • VC shares information about internet programs with our community
      • VC is increasing the number of Tech Ed teachers and we support all elementary buildings with a full time STEM teacher
      • VC will be partnering with OUBOCES for instructional technology support
  3.  Students with disabilities may be served through the use of instructional technology as well as assistive technology devices and services to ensure access to and participation in the general education curriculum. Describe how instruction using technology is differentiated to support the individual learning needs of students with disabilities. 
    • A classroom typically includes students with a wide range of abilities who may pursue multiple pathways to learn effectively, participate meaningfully, and work towards attaining the curricular standards. VCSD strives to engage all students through multimedia, interactive content that strengthens student understanding and thinking skills through exploration, collaboration and creation. Teachers are adapting to support differentiated or personalized learning for students who have a specific learning style, pace, or needs while keeping knowledge current and information accurate. Our district continues to enhance technology accessibility for physically or learning disabled students through assistive technologies and presentation of content in alternative modalities. We are also currently working with our technology integration specialist on integrating testing and classroom management tools that allow for enhanced tracking of student performance to inform instruction and provide accountability. Students that are identified as having diverse learning needs (IEP/504) often require accommodations/adaptations of instructional strategies, along with support materials that will enhance learning and/or adjust to their learning capabilities. VCSD currently subscribes to the following tools in order to meet the needs of such diverse learners: Word Q/Speak Q (I and II), Learning Ally, Bookshare, Proloque to go, Boardmaker (icon creator), SMART Board modality, LAMP words for life.
  4. How does the district utilize technology to address the needs of students with disabilities to ensure equitable access to instruction, materials, and assessments?*
    • Technology is used to provide additional ways to access key content, such as providing videos or other visuals to supplement verbal or written instruction or content. 
    • Text to speech and/or speech to text software is utilized to provide increased support for comprehension of written or verbal language. 
    • Assistive technology is utilized
    • Technology is used to increase options for students to demonstrate knowledge and skill.
    • Learning games and other interactive software are used to supplement instruction.
  5. Please select the professional development that will be offered to teachers of students with disabilities that will enable them to differentiate learning and to increase student language and content learning through the use of technology.*
    • Technology to support writers in the elementary classroom
    • Technology to support writers in the secondary classroom
    • Research, writing and technology in a digital world
    • Enhancing children’s vocabulary development with technology
    • Reading strategies through technology for students with disabilities
    • Choosing assistive technology for instructional purposes in the special education classroom
    • Using technology to differentiate instruction in the special education classroom
    • Using technology as a way for students with disabilities to demonstrate their knowledge and skills
    • Multiple ways of assessing student learning through technology
    • Electronic communication and collaboration
    • Promotion of model digital citizenship and responsibility
    • Integrating technology and curriculum across core content areas
    • Helping students with disabilities to connect with the world
  6. How does the district utilize technology to address the needs of English Language Learners to ensure equitable access to instruction, materials, and assessments? *
    • Technology is used to provide additional ways to access key content, such as providing videos or other visuals to supplement verbal or written instruction or content.
    • Text to speech and/or speech to text software is utilized to provide increased support for comprehension of written or verbal language.
    • Home language dictionaries and translation programs are provided through technology.
    • Hardware that supports ELL student learning, such as home-language keyboards, translation pens, and/or interactive whiteboards, is utilized. 
    • Technology is used to increase options for students to demonstrate knowledge and skill, such as through the creation of a product or recording of an oral response.
    • Learning games and other interactive software are used to supplement instruction.
  7.  The district’s Instructional Technology Plan addresses the needs of English Language Learners to ensure equitable access to instruction, materials, and assessments in multiple language. *
    • Yes – In the 5 languages most commonly spoken in the district
  8. Please select the professional development that will be offered to teachers of English Language Learners that will enable then to differentiate learning and to increase their student language development and content learning with the use of technology. *
    • Technology to support writers in the elementary classroom
    • Technology to support writers in the secondary classroom
    • Research, writing and technology in a digital world
    • Enhancing children’s vocabulary development with technology
    • Writer’s workshop in the Bilingual classroom
    • Reading strategies for English Language Learners
    • Moving from learning letter to learning to read
    • The power of technology to support language acquisition
    • Using technology to differentiate instruction in the language classroom
    • Multiple ways of assessing student learning through technology
    • Electronic communication and collaboration
    • Promotion of model digital citizenship and responsibility
    • Integrating technology and curriculum across core content areas
    • Web authoring toold
    • Helping students connect with the world
    • The interactive whiteboard and language learning
    • Use camera for documentation
  9. How does the district utilize technology to address the needs of students experiencing homelessness and/or housing insecurity to ensure equitable access to instruction and learning?*
    • McKinney-Vento information is prominently located on individual school websites, as well as the district website.
    • If available, online enrollment is easily accessible, written in an understandable manner, available in multiple languages and accessible from a phone.
    • Offer phone enrollment as an alternative to in-person enrollment.
    • Provide students experiencing homelessness and/or housing insecurity with tablets or laptops, mobile hotspots, prepaid cell phones, and other devices and connectivity.
    • Provide students a way to protect and charge any devices they are provided with by the district.
    • Replace devices that are damaged or stolen as needed.
    • Assess readiness-to-use technology skills before disseminating devices to students experiencing homelessness and/or housing insecurity.
    • Create individualized plans for providing access to technology and internet on a case-by-case basis for any student experiencing homelessness and/or housing insecurity.
    • Have resources available to get families and students step-by-step instructions on how to set up and use their district’s Learning Management System or website.
    • Class lesson plans, materials, and assignment instructions are available to students and families.
    • Direct instruction is recorded and provided for students to access asynchronously (such as through a learning management system, DVD or private online video channel).
    • Technology is used to provide additional ways to access key content, such as providing videos or other visuals to supplement verbal or written instruction or content.
    • Conduct regular educational check-ins with all students experiencing homelessness and/or housing insecurity and secure any help needed to keep up with course work. 
    • Adjust assignments to be completed successfully using only the resources students have available. 
    • Create in-person and web-based tutoring programs, spaces, and/or live chats to assist with assignments and technology issues. 
  10.  How does the district use instructional technology to facilitate culturally responsive instruction and learning environments?
    • The district uses instructional technology to:
      • strengthen relationships and connections with families to assist in building a culturally responsive learning environment to enhance student learning.
      • facilitate classroom projects that involve the community. 
      • develop and organize coherent and relevant units, lessons, and learning tasks that build upon students’ cultural backgrounds and experiences.
      • assist in varying teaching approaches to accommodate diverse learning styles and language proficiencies.
      • enable students to communicate and collaborate with students in different schools or districts in New York State, the United States, or with different countries.
      • facilitate collaborative classroom projects among heterogeneous student groups. 

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VI. Administrative Management Plan

Page last modified: 05/24/2022

  1. Staff Plan: Provide the Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) count, as of plan submission date, of all staff whose primary responsibility is delivering technology integration training and/or technical support.
    • District Technology Leadership – 1 FTE
    • Instructional Support – 5 FTE
    • Technical Support – 6 FTE
    • Totals – 12 FTE
  2. Investment Plan: Provide a three-year investment plan to support the vision and goals. All costs must be calculated for the entire three-year period, not annualized. For example, if a cost occurs annually, the estimated cost should include the annual cost times three. Provide a three-year investment plan to support the vision in Section II and Section IV. *
    1. End User Computing Devices, Chromebooks/Staff to Support
      • Estimated cost: $1,170,000/annual
      • Potential funding sources: BOCES Co-Ser purchase, District Operating Budget
    2. High Tech Security
      • Estimated cost: $1,547,272/one-time
      • Potential funding sources: Smart Schools Bond Act
    3. Professional Development
      • Estimated cost: $120,000/both one-time and annual
      • Potential funding sources: BOCES Co-Ser purchase, District Operating Budget
    4. Cybersecurity/Knowbe4
      • Estimated cost: $435,000/annual
      • Potential Funding Sources: BOCES Co-Ser purchase
  3. Has the school district provided for the loan of instructional computer hardware to students legally attending nonpublic schools pursuant to Education Law, section 754?
    • Yes
  4. Districts are required to post either the responses to this survey or a more comprehensive technology plan that includes all of the elements in this survey. Please provide the URL here. The URL must link to a public website where the survey or plan can be easily accessed by the community.

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VII. Sharing Innovative Educational Technology Programs

Page last modified 01/14/2022

  1. Please choose one or more topics that reflect an innovative/educational technology program that has been implemented for at least two years at a building or district level.*
    • N/A
  2. Provide the name, title and e-mail of the person to be contacted in order to obtain more information about the innovative program(s) at your district.
    • N/A
  3. If you want to list multiple contact points for the innovative programs above, please provide the names, titles, and e-mail addresses of the people to be contacted to obtain more information about the innovative program(s) at your district. 
    • N/A

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