

The Valley Central School District Technology is committed to the integration of information technology seamlessly into our classrooms and teaching the 21st Century skills our students need to succeed in the modern world.

View the Valley Central 2022-2025 Technology Plan

Chromebook Help | Parent Portal | Parent Digital Resources | Acceptable Use Policy | Cyberbullying | Navigating Your Child’s Social Media | Snapchat | Instagram | TikTok | WhatsApp | Additional Social Media ResourcesTechnology Plan Summary | Smart Schools Act

Chromebook Help

Use our VC Tech Help Desk for help with your Chromebook.

Access the Student/Parent 1:1 Chromebook Contract. 

As part of the VCSD 1:1 technology initiative, Google Chromebooks will be made available to students in grades one through twelve. These devices are intended to be used both in school and at home so that students may complete digital assignments provided by their classroom teachers.

This Student User Agreement provides rules and information regarding the use of the Chromebook, along with procedures relative to the device.  Like any other use of VCSD Technology, the use of a Chromebook is governed by the District Acceptable Use Policy, which each student and parent/guardian is responsible for reviewing and understanding.  

Please fill this form out once FOR EACH CHILD you have that has been assigned a Chromebook.

If you have any questions regarding the contract, please email Christopher Mohr  before submitting it.  

Parent Portal

Parent Portal is a highly secure, internet-based application through which you are able to view district-permitted details of your student’s academic records. 
Learn more about Parent Portal and how to request an account here. 

Parent Digital Resources

 This webpage will help you navigate the digital side of learning.  

VCSD Acceptable Use Policy

The Board of Education encourages the use of computers and networked information resources, including the Internet, for educational purposes. The VCSD Acceptable Use Policy outlines the use of school computers, software, and other technology resources.


The Valley Central School District strives to create an environment free of discrimination and harassment, including such by cyberbullying; and will foster civility in the schools to prevent and prohibit conduct which is inconsistent with the District’s educational mission in accordance with the Dignity for All Students Act, Education Law, Article 2.  BOE Policy 5311.2

Navigating Your Child’s Social Media

Sourav Sengupta, a University of Buffalo professor and an expert in child and adolescent mental health, says “our children will need to grow up to find a reasonable way to incorporate, tolerate and utilize social technologies in their lives”.   Trusted adults can support young people is by setting age- and developmentally appropriate boundaries. He suggests slowly teaching young people how to use social media in healthy ways.  (How parents can help teens navigate social media, January 2022)

In order to do that parents need to familiarize themselves with the social media that children and teens are using. 

View the following videos and web resources to help navigate your child’s social media:


Additional Web Resources


Additional Web Resources


Additional Web Resources


Additional Resources

District Technology Plan Summary

The Valley Central School District Technology Planning Committee consists of various district stakeholders consisting of administrators, teachers, consultants, and other school support staff from each of our seven district buildings. In the past, the VCSD Technology Plans have focused on integrating Information Technology seamlessly into our classrooms, and teaching the 21st Century skills our students need to learn in order to contribute to the modern world.
We have had to reassess our methods of delivering this technology and measuring its effectiveness, therefore our current plan has acted as a work in progress that we are continually re-adjusting to meet our goals. The same is now true of our 2018-2021 Technology Plan as it remains a continuation of plans that were previously submitted, and consistently require re-evaluation and adjustment to insure our students learn alongside the rapidly changing advances in technology. Since the technology evolves at an alarming rate, we will continue to shift our goals to evolve along with what is available and necessary in our classrooms.
We will provide authentic technology tools to students, and we will teach them how to use those tools effectively and safely. Given our economic status, this may sometimes be difficult due to financial limitations, but we will accept those challenges and continue to produce creative methods of working with what is available, as well as monitor our effectiveness of these methods.

Smart Schools Act

Governor Cuomo called for New York State to invest $2 billion in its schools through a Smart Schools Bond Act – an initiative that would finance educational technology and infrastructure, providing students access to the latest technology and connectivity needed to succeed and compete in the global economy. New Yorker’s agreed and voted in the Smart Schools Bond Act (SSBA) in November 2014.

The Smart Schools Commission released a final report in Fall 2014 outlining how school districts could invest the money allocated to each district.

The SSBA requires that a Review Board review and approve districts’ Smart Schools Investment Plans before any funds may be made available for the program. Valley Central’s plan has been approved and the state is releasing the funding.  

On November 9, 2020 the VCSD BOE approved the Smart Schools Investment Plan Submission #2 for Touchscreens. 

The application is available for review here, If you cannot access this file, please request it be sent to you from Christopher Mohr.