Office of the Superintendent

Superintendent Evette Avila with Valedictorian and Salutatorian of the Class of 2024


VC’s Next Chapter

Valley Central’s next chapter is exciting as we venture forward.  We will work on building One Team ~ One District through Community, Coherence, and  Consistency to foster a sense of belonging and engagement at all levels.  


  • Establish a climate and culture where children and adults feel a sense of belonging
  • Celebrate excellence and accomplishments across the full district community
  • Ensure all VC community members across the district are united, engaged and informed
  • Foster meaningful relationships amongst all adults and between adults and students


  • Implementing Curriculum, Assessments and Content Resources with Fidelity
  • K-5: Literacy Framework; Math Workshop
  • 6-12: Common Formative Assessment(CFA)- aligned to grade-level standards
  • Creating aligned strategies to implement rigorous measures of learning and impact across all grade levels
  • Working on developing a District Vision


  • Establishing clear expectations for how all staff work and learn together in a diverse equitable environment
  • Leveraging standard, shared protocols to use data to drive culturally relevant instruction
  • Implementing systems and standard operating procedures: for safety, behavior and instructional practice
  • District Strategic Plan

When you’re surrounded by people who share a passionate commitment around a common purpose, anything is possible. ~Howard Schultz



The Superintendent is the chief administrative officer for the District. They are responsible for the effective operation of the District; for the general administration of all instructional, business or other operations of the District; and for advising and making recommendations to the Board of Education with respect to such activities. They shall perform all the duties and accept all of the responsibilities usually required of a Superintendent as prescribed by the Education Laws of New York State, the rules and regulations of the Board of Regents and Commissioner of Education, laws and regulations of the United States, statutes of New York State, and the policies, rules, and regulations established by the Board of Education.

The Superintendent shall possess the following powers and be charged with the following duties:

  1. To be the chief executive officer of the District, with the right to speak on all matters before the Board, but not to vote.
  2. To enforce all provisions of law and all rules and regulations relating to the management of the schools and other educational, social and recreational activities under the direction of the Board.



  1. Keep the Board informed of the condition of the District’s educational system; assure effective communication between the Board and the staff of the school system. Relay all communications by the Board regarding personnel to district employees and receive from all school personnel any communications directed to the Board.
  2. Prepare the agenda for Board meetings, in consultation with the President of the Board. Prepare and submit recommendations to the Board relative to all matters requiring board action, placing before the Board such necessary and helpful facts, information, and reports as are needed to insure the making of informed decisions.
  3. Submit to the Board a clear and detailed explanation of any proposed procedure which would involve either departure from established policy or the expenditure of substantial sums.
  4. Develop and recommend to the Board objectives of the educational system; see to the development of internal objectives which support those of the Board.
  5. Develop and recommend to the Board long-range plans consistent with population trends, cultural needs, and the appropriate use of District facilities, and see to the development of long-range plans which are consistent with Board objectives.
  6. See to the development of specific administrative procedures and programs to implement the intent established by Board policies, directives and formal actions.
  7. See to the execution of all decisions of the Board.
  8. See that sound plans of organization, educational programs and services are developed and maintained for the Board.
  9. Maintain adequate records for the schools, including a system of financial accounts, business and property records, personnel records, school population and scholastic records. Act as custodian of such records and all contracts, securities, documents, title papers, books of records, and other papers belonging to the Board.
  10. Be directly responsible for news releases and/or other items of public interest emanating from all District employees which pertain to education matters, policies, procedures, school related incidents or events. Approve media interviews of this nature with District employees.
  11. Provide for the optimum use of the staff of the District. See that the District is staffed with competent people who are delegated authority commensurate with their responsibilities. Define the duties of all personnel.
  12. See that appropriate in-service training is conducted. Summon employees of the District to attend such regular and occasional meetings as are necessary to carry out the educational programs of the District.
  13. Prior to action by the Board, recommend the appointment, discipline or termination of employment of the administrators of the District.
  14. Prior to action by the Board, recommend the appointment, discipline or termination of employment of teaching and non-teaching personnel of the District.
  15. See to the development throughout the District of high standards of performance in educational achievement, use and development of personnel, public responsibility, and operating efficiency.
  16. See that effective relations with employee organizations are maintained, assume ultimate responsibility for collective negotiations with employees of the District
  17. See that the development, authorization, and the maintenance of an appropriate budgetary procedure is properly administered. Prepare the annual proposed budget and submit it to the Board by March 1 or at such earlier date as is necessary to provide an adequate opportunity for the Board’s discussion and deliberation.
  18. See that all funds, physical assets, and other property of the District are appropriately safeguarded and administered.
  19. File, or cause to be filed, all reports, requests and appropriations as required by various governing bodies and/or Board policies.
  20. Establish and maintain liaison with community groups which are interested or involved in the educational programs of the District.
  21. Establish and maintain liaison with other school districts, BOCES, the State Education Department, colleges and universities, and the U.S. Department of Education.
  22. Act on own discretion in cases where action is necessary on any matter not covered by Board policy or directive. Report such action to the Board as soon as practicable and recommend policy in order to provide guidance in the future.