Response to Intervention (RTI)

Response to Intervention (RTI)

The Valley Central School District provides this comprehensive program of Academic Support Services (AIS) by using a Response-to-Intervention (RTI) multi-step approach for students. The goal of the program is to provide a support system for students in order for them to succeed in their regular academic program and on New York State assessments and Regents exams. The program is designed to diagnose and correct academic deficiencies in students who are struggling to achieve grade-level expectations in:

  • English Language Arts and Mathematics in grades K-8, and
  • English Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science in grades 4-12

The RTI process is a multi-step approach to providing services and interventions at increasing levels of intensity. The progress students make at each stage of intervention is closely monitored and results are used to make decisions about the need for further research-based instruction/intervention in general education. The Regents have authorized the use of RTI on the State’s criteria to determine learning disabilities and effective July 1, 2012, requires that all school districts have an RTI program in place as part of the process to determine if a student in grades K-4 is a student with a learning disability.

Response to Intervention Process

Universal screening is provided for all students.

Screening is an assessment that measures a student’s skills, in relation to his/her grade level. Screenings are to be conducted three times per year. This helps schools identify students who are considered at-risk of not meeting NYS standards.

All students receive appropriate instruction.

Appropriate instruction means that the methods and materials a teacher uses are based on research showing that most students will be successful if taught in this manner.

Additional instructional support is provided for students, based upon screening and ongoing measurement of progress.

English Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science in grades 4-12

  • Tier 1: The RTI process begins with the classroom teacher providing appropriate instruction to all students in the general education classroom. Instruction is differentiated and Tier 1 interventions are provided by the classroom teacher to students who are just below the district cutoff for AIS.
  • Tier 2: Students identified through screening as needing additional instructional support, receive assistance through an AIS targeted intervention designed to meet their needs. Targeted intervention is provided with increasingly intense tiers (levels) of support. Increased intensity can mean more time, smaller groups and/or more instruction focused on the specific areas. 

Intervention is in addition to regular classroom instruction and may be provided within the classroom or in a separate room. Tier 2 intervention means that a student is:

    • taught in a small group
    • receiving additional instruction time and/or taught using various instructional methods
  • Tier 3:  For students who are still not progressing with Tier 2 interventions, a
  • Tier 3 intervention may be provided. Instruction at this level may be a more frequent, smaller group and/or for a longer period of time than that provided in Tiers 1 or 2.