VCHS A Cappella Groups Compete in ICHSA Quarterfinals

On Friday, February 23, the VCHS Voxtones and Valkyries a cappella groups competed in the Northeast Quarterfinals of the ICHSA (International Championship of High School A Cappella) at RPI in Troy, NY. Within the highly competitive event, the groups ended up taking up 2 of the top 3 places, with the Valkyries placing 2nd, and the Voxtones placing 3rd.  With their 2nd place finish, the Valkyries earned a place in the ICHSA Semifinals in Worcester, MA in late March.  The Voxtones have entered into the Wild Card submission round for an opportunity to join the Valkyries in semifinals.
Special Congratulations to freshman Victoria Crespo, who was awarded as 1 of 2 Outstanding Soloists out of all competing groups for the evening. 
Special thank you to junior Kylie Dechiaro for putting in her own extra time as a co-choreographer for the Valkyries.