Welcome to the VCHS Parent-Teacher-Student Association (PTSA), Teachers, parents and students working together to make VCHS an even better place to learn.

Please support the VCHS PTSA today by joining. The cost is $8 for parents/guardians/faculty and $8 for students.  Here is the Google Form to join the PTSA!

 PTSA Events

  • Student Achievement Nights
  • Founders’ Night
  • Teen Nights


  • Teacher Mini-Grants

Executive Board

  • President: Courtney Stafford
  • Vice President: Lori Weikel
  • Student Vice President: open 
  • Treasurer: Jennifer O’Brien
  • Recording Secretary: Melissa Johnson
  • Administrative Liaison: 
  • Teacher Liaison: Meghan Rilley
  • Council Delegate:  Jennifer O’Brien
  • Student Council Delegate:  Open