District Strategic Plan

Goal #1 | Goal #2 | Goal #3 | Goal #4 | Strategic Plan Goals | Valley Central Middle School | Valley Central ALC | Berea Elementary | East Coldenham ElementaryMontgomery Elementary | Walden Elementary 


The mission of the Valley Central School community is to develop responsible and productive members of society in a safe and innovative environment, where students are motivated to think critically, communicate effectively, and achieve excellence in active partnership with the community and knowledgeable and dedicated staff.


Loyalty. Service. Progress.


To be ranked in the Top 5 school districts in Orange County
on all key educational measures.

Overarching District Goals

  1. Increase student achievement
  2. Attract and retain a knowledgeable and dedicated staff
  3. Serve as the cornerstone of the community
  4. Maintain and improve facilities to support goals 1 – 3

Goal # 1 – Increase Student Achievement


  1. Foster college and career readiness and life-long learning
  2. Foster a diverse and inclusive culture
  3. Educate the whole child in an engaging environment which promotes student-centered learning


  1. Increase Student Attendance
  2. Increase the incorporation of 21st Century skills through instruction
  3. Improve the graduation rate and percentage of students going on to higher education and/or technical schools
  4. Create additional co-curricular opportunities for students
  5. Investigate the purchase and usage of state of the art technology
  6. Increase the opportunity for CTECH participation
  7. Create an Elementary STEAM Program

Goal # 2 – Attract and Retain a Knowledgeable and Dedicated Staff


  1. Build a collaborative learning community that nourishes and empowers a staff that creates a culture for innovation, creativity and growth
  2. Have a district in which all stakeholders are trusted, valued and supported
  3. Offer opportunities to develop a highly trained and diverse staff


  1. Increase Professional Development opportunities for all staff
  2. Create a specific research based consultant model for our ELA and Math Consultants
  3. Provide more opportunities for Curriculum Writing and Consistency in Instruction
  4. Maintain a supportive environment for staff to succeed
  5. Provide incentives for staff to remain in the District
  6. Increase the per diem rate of pay for substitutes to allow for possible full time employment
  7. Continue to host field work students/student teachers
  8. Provide opportunities for both turn-key training and out of District innovative trainings for staff including support staff

Goal # 3 – Serve as the Cornerstone of the Community


  1. Establish partnerships based on open communication, trust and collaboration with the community
  2. Maintain high quality schools that are an investment for our community
  3.  Maintain a welcoming and accessible environment for the whole child, whole staff and whole community


  1. Continue to improve academic success while maintaining a fiscally responsible budget
  2. Continue and improve the sharing of District facilities with community organizations
  3. Increase our ability to support the social, emotional and economic needs of our students
  4. Research and Develop a District Parent University
  5. Publish an “Annual Report” to provide transparency to the community in regard to District finances
  6. Investigate further opportunities to publicize VC to continually improve District culture
  7. Continue to offer internships to students through local businesses
  8. Offer adult education courses at local community schools

Goal # 4 – Maintain and Improve the Facilities to Support Goals 1-3


  1. Provide healthy, safe, attractive and state-of-the-art facilities


  1. Continue to renovate all schools in the District
  2. Continue to investigate cost saving opportunities in regard to electricity and heating costs
  3. Look for inexpensive solutions to improve school climate (murals, painting, flooring, lighting, etc.)
  4. Improve the aesthetics of all entry ways/lobbies at all schools (first
  5. Create a District Facilities Committee

Strategic Plan Goals

Valley Central High School Scorecard Goals

Graduation Rate | Baseline: 90% (at VCHS only) | 2022 Goal: maintain -92%

College Level & AP Courses Offered | Baseline: 19 | 2022 Goal: 22

Clubs Established to increase student participation in extracurricular events | Baseline:  34 | 2022 Goal: 40

Close Achievement Gap for White Low – Socioeconomic Students in ELA & Math (scoring 3 or higher) | Baseline: NYS Accountability Reports – performance index to meet or exceed EAMO in all subgroups | 2022 Goal: NYS Accountability Reports – performance index to meet or exceed EAMO in all subgroups

Graduating Seniors matriculated into college and/or military service | Baseline: 85.5% (5 year average) | 2022 Goal: maintain – 87%

Increase High Interest Electives including CTECH | Baseline: 72, 97 | 2022 Goal: 75, 120

Big Idea Goals

  • Increase CTECH Spots- targeting low socio-economic students
  • PLTW & AP Computer Science
  • Create Freshmen Seminar Class
  • Conduct surveys to canvas student interests in MS & HS
  • Change Lunch Periods to provide more opportunity for students to take electives
  • Add attendance social worker
  • Add Math Center and Literacy Teacher
  • Staff training in Capturing Kids’ Hearts
  • Rachel’s Challenge

Valley Central Middle School

Scorecard Goals

Goal 1: ELA 6-8 Scoring at Levels 3 and 4

Goal 2: Math 6-8 Scoring at Levels 3 and 4

Goal 3: Science 8 Scoring at Levels 3 and 4

Goal 4: NWEA ACT College Readiness: Projected Proficiency

Goal 5: Student Attendance

Goal 6: Fitness Gram: Percentage of Students in the “Healthy Zone Fitness”

Goal 7: Disciplinary Referrals

Goal 8: # of Students Participating in Modified Sports and Chartered Clubs

2016 Results Baseline

  1. Percent Participation 34% | New Test 50%
  2. Percent Participation 32% | New Test 50%
  3. Percent Participation 81% | New Test 50%
  4. Total Percentage (Reading/Math) | 44% | 22%
  5. 95%
  6. 65%
  7. 599
  8. 350+

2017 Results

  1. Percent Participation 32% | New Test 46%
  2. Percent Participation 27% | New Test 41%
  3. Percent Participation 80% | New Test 55%
  4. Total Percentage (Reading/Math) | 46% | 25%
  5. 95%
  6. 67%
  7. 382
  8. 400+

2018 Results

  1. Percent Participation 38% | New Test 54%
  2. Percent Participation 36% | New Test 54%
  3. Percent Participation 85% | New Test 54%
  4. Total Percentage (Reading/Math) | 50% | 30%
  5. 95%
  6. 69%
  7. 550
  8. 450

2019 Goal

  1. Percent Participation 38% | New Test 54%
  2. Percent Participation 38% | New Test 56%
  3. Percent Participation 86% | New Test 55%
  4. Total Percentage (Reading/Math) | 50% | 32%
  5. 95%
  6. 70%
  7. 525
  8. 500

2020 Goal

  1. Percent Participation 40% | New Test 60%
  2. Percent Participation 40% | New Test 58%
  3. Percent Participation 86% | New Test 60%
  4. Total Percentage (Reading/Math) | 52% | 34%
  5. 96%
  6. 71%
  7. 525
  8. 525

2021 Goal

  1. Percent Participation 32% | New Test 50%
  2. Percent Participation 45% | New Test 65%
  3. Percent Participation 87% | New Test 60%
  4. Total Percentage (Reading/Math) | 55% | 37%
  5. 97%
  6. 72%
  7. 515
  8. 525

2022 Goal

  1. Percent Participation 50% | New Test 70%
  2. Percent Participation 44% | New Test 62%
  3. Percent Participation 87% | New Test 62%
  4. Total Percentage (Reading/Math) | 60% | 39%
  5. 97%
  6. 73%
  7. 515
  8. 550

Big Idea Goals

  • Increase technology based resources in every classroom
  • Create computer courses to increase basic skills
  • Increase counseling opportunities/ groups for students
  • Create an Alternate program (Viking Academy) for 6th and 7th grade students
  • Create professional learning communities to promote staff collaboration
  • Create 7th and 8th grade Team Leader positions
  • Increase Post-Session to three times a week
  • Create community service opportunities

Valley Central ALC

Scorecard Goals

  • Experiential Learning Programs | Baseline: 0 | 2022 Goal: 25%
  • Program Standards (Attendance) | Baseline: *77% | 2022 Goal: 90%
  • Electives | Baseline: 6 | 2022 Goal: 10

*Based on the 2015-2016 School Year

Big Idea Goals

  • Increase therapeutic resources by providing consultant psychiatrist and family counseling.
  • Increase animal therapy.
  • Improve the appearance of the building and grounds so it is more inviting, less institutional feel.
  • Create a garden.
  • Establish a “Senior Class” project.
  • Separate art room with art tables.
  • Lunch provided in-house.
  • Establish a model enrichment/tutorial program (art, language, etc.)
  • Washer/Dryer for students.
  • Field Trips as part of the program experience (museums, theater).

Berea Elementary

Scorecard Goals

  • NYS ELA (3-5) | Baseline: 44% | 2022 Goal: 50%
  • NYS Math (3-5) | Baseline: 54% | 2022 Goal: 60%
  • Benchmark Proficiency (K-5) | Baseline: 76% | 2022 Goal: 80%
  • NWEA Math (K-5) | Baseline: 69% | 2022 Goal: 75%
  • Student Attendance | Baseline: 95% | 2022 Goal: 96%
  • Opportunities/Co-Curricular | Baseline: 6 | 2022 Goal: 8

*The number of refusals will be considered in regard to State Testing Data.

Big Idea Goals

  • Increase Parent Involvement
  • Increase embedded professional development opportunities for teachers in Math and ELA
  • Improve security in building – cameras, proximity ID cards, security vestibule at front door
  • Improve accessibility for the disabled (redirect sidewalk cut to front door)
  • Parking lot repave and repaint maps etc. on Peaceful Playground
  • Renovate/redesign courtyard
  • Nature trail starting in wood line near swings
  • Redesign main office for more efficient use of space
  • New sink and countertop in the teacher’s dining room
  • Solar panels for building
  • Air conditioning throughout the building
  • Common vision for ELA and Math
  • High school students tutoring elementary students
  • Reading Recovery

East Coldenham Elementary

Scorecard Goals

  • NYS ELA (3-5) | Baseline: 39% proficient | 2022 Goal: 60% proficient
  • NYS Math (3-5) | Baseline: 44% proficient | 2022 Goal: 75% proficient
  • Benchmark Proficiency (K-5) | Baseline: 60% proficient | 2022 Goal: 85% proficient
  • NWEA Math (K-5) | Baseline: 57% proficient | 2022 Goal: 80% proficient
  • Student Attendance | Baseline: 95% | 2022 Goal: 96%
  • Opportunities/Co-Curricular | Baseline: 4 | 2022 Goal: 8

*The number of refusals will be considered in regard to State Testing Data.

Big Idea Goals

  • Increase parent involvement through parent workshops and events in conjunction with our PTA.
  • Create a true Professional Learning Community utilizing the Partnership Consultant Model.
  • Provide differentiated PD to staff members in all curricular areas.
  • Plan and create a school-wide garden.
  • Create an Elementary STEAM program utilizing our special area teachers.
  • Create an after school family media center in the Library to assist with homework and other school projects.
  • Increase the number of Chromebooks.
  • Improve the appearance of the building and the grounds so it is more inviting.

Montgomery Elementary

Scorecard Goals

  • NYS ELA (3-5) | Baseline: 54% | 2022 Goal: 65% proficient
  • NYS Math (3-5) | Baseline: 59% | 2022 Goal: 70% proficient
  • Benchmark Proficiency (K-5) | Baseline: 62% | 2022 Goal: 80% proficient
  • NWEA Math (K-5) | Baseline: 65% | 2022 Goal: 80% proficient
  • Student Attendance | Baseline: 95.3% | 2022 Goal: 96%
  • Opportunities/Co-Curricular | Baseline: 10 | 2022 Goal: 15

*The number of refusals will be considered in regard to State Testing Data.

Big Idea Goals

  • Increase student use of village facilities and collaboration with local businesses. Display student work in local businesses.
  • Increase professional development opportunities for teachers in all core academic areas. (ELA, Math, Science and Social Studies)
  • Hands on Science Materials/Lessons
  • Create student friendly murals throughout the school.
  • Parenting classes
  • Addition of clubs…ex. Gardening, Chess, Walking, Coding, STEAM
  • Recess Options (Mostly during winter months)
  • Outdoor Classroom (Pavilion with tables to accommodate up to 30
  • Chrome Books for every student Grades 2-5
  • Chrome Books for each teacher

Walden Elementary

Scorecard Goals

  • NYS ELA (3-5) | Baseline: 32% | 2022 Goal: TBD
  • NYS Math (3-5) | Baseline: 45% | 2022 Goal: TBD
  • Benchmark Proficiency (K-5) | Baseline: 68% | 2022 Goal: TBD
  • EOY Math Test (K-5) ) | Baseline: TBD | 2022 Goal: TBD
  • Student Attendance | Baseline: 94.6% | 2022 Goal: TBD
  • Opportunities/Co-Curricular | Baseline: 7 Clubs | 2022 Goal: TBD

*The number of refusals will be considered in regard to State Testing Data.

Big Idea Goals

  • Increase Parent Involvement
  • Increase embedded professional development opportunities for teachers in Math and ELA
  • Replace lighting, replace carpeting with tile, and paint hallways/ classrooms
  • Provide additional support to students with social/emotional needs (Add a SAC)
  • Extend building to include elevators and a stage
  • Investigate the possibility of building a new school
  • Provide a recess area that has grass for students to play on
  • Continue to improve the student/teacher ratio (limiting class size)
  • Create a parent center at Walden so parents can work with their children before/after school on classwork/homework
  • Increase the number of students who attend the Universal Pre-K programs in preparation for kindergarten (District?)