Special Education

Special education programs and services are designed to assure that students with disabilities receive appropriate and equal opportunities for educational growth.

Related services include speech therapy, audiology, psychological services, physical and occupational therapy, counseling services, parent counseling and training, school health services and school social work services.

Students are eligible for special education if they meet the criteria of specific classifications. Information about those classifications is available here.

Goals and Objectives of Special Education

To prepare our students with disabilities to develop their fullest potential, it is incumbent upon the Valley Central School District to aim to achieve the following goals and objectives which reflect the mandates of the revised Regulations of the Commissioner of Education of the State of New York.


  • To provide a free appropriate educational program and as necessary, related services for each child with a disability requiring special education, from age 3-21 years.
  • To provide activities that foster social development and, to the maximum extent possible, assimilation into regular school and community activities.


  • To provide to each resident preschool child, identified as having a disability, the opportunity to participate in an approved preschool program within a reasonable distance from the child’s home, or to receive the appropriate related services. Information on Preschool Special Education is available here. 
  • To provide a coordinated and comprehensive instructional program from kindergarten through high school.
  • To provide appropriate related services to students with disabilities as needed.
  • To encourage parental involvement and understanding of special education programs.
  • To provide appropriate vocational services to students with disabilities.
  • To provide Transition Services and develop a post secondary school plan for each student with a disability.

Continuum of Services

To implement least restrictive environment, Committee on Special Education committees seek to recommend programs of Special Education along the continuum of services, beginning with the least restrictive environment (LRE)and moving down the continuum as necessary.

  • Regular Classroom/Related Services
  • Consultant Teacher Services
  • Collaborative Teaching Model
  • Resource Room
  • Special Class 
  • Self-Contained Class
  • Special School 
  • Residential School
  • Home Instruction

Procedural Safeguards

Federal laws protect the educational rights of a student with disabilities. These rights are exercised through due process of law which helps to balance decision making among various adults. The result is a legal responsibility for parents and educators to work cooperatively and to resolve disagreements for the benefit of the student. Due process in special education involves the parent’s right:

  • to be fully informed and knowledgeable about the actions to be taken
  • to participate
  • to consent
  • to file a complaint
  • to request an independent evaluation
  • to challenge
  • to appeal
  • to request an impartial hearing

More information about Procedural Safeguards is available on the NYS Department of Education website. 

Procedural  Safeguards information in Spanish is also available.

Technology Resources

Learning Ally- Parent Information

Read & Write Extension for Chrome

Here is a link to the Chrome Web Store to install the extension

Getting started using Read&Write for Google Chrome
Read&Write for Google Chrome Tool Usage Guide gives step by step instructions for using the tools

Here is a tool for Basic Practice with Read&Write for Students

Here is a tool for Advanced Practice with Read&Write for Students